Going beyond just 30


Pete Elbert

Earlier I had asked the question about how to get an answer if a number was
put into E14 for units ordered and based on how many units they purchased,
F14 indicates 1-9 units, G14 indicates 10-19 units and H14 indicates 20-30
units. The formula that was given to me was
=if(E14=0,''',choose(int(E14/10)+1,F14,G14,H14,h14)). This works just fine
if I have up to 39. If I want to put in 44 or 66 or 120...I get a value
error. What can I do to make it so if I put 100,000 I do not get the error?
Thanks for anyone that can help me. Pete Elbert


One alternative using HLOOKUP:

Above will return ">30" for inputs in E14 exceeding 30.
Adapt to suit

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