Beep Beep
Good Morning Everybody:
I have a macro that contains 12 sub macros. If I run the macro using the F8
Step Into command they all run fine. What they do is print out a chart and
the data from two different ws's in one wb. Running it with the Step Into
command it runs fine, however if I run it with the run command it works fine
for the first 7 and then for the last 5 it only prints out the chart and not
the data ws. The macro does not stop it just seems to by pass the second half
of the sub macro whereby it should bring up a print preview screen. Here is
a sample of the one that is bypassing the print preview command. Any Thoughts
Sub Print6030Chart()
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\t_frankb\My Documents\Excel\Weekly
Stability Metrics\Weekly Stability Metrics
Sheets("Weekly Stability Metrics").Select
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
Sheets("Weekly Arrival Data").Select
Application.Goto Reference:="PrintRange"
Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1, Preview:=True, Collate:=True
End Sub
I have a macro that contains 12 sub macros. If I run the macro using the F8
Step Into command they all run fine. What they do is print out a chart and
the data from two different ws's in one wb. Running it with the Step Into
command it runs fine, however if I run it with the run command it works fine
for the first 7 and then for the last 5 it only prints out the chart and not
the data ws. The macro does not stop it just seems to by pass the second half
of the sub macro whereby it should bring up a print preview screen. Here is
a sample of the one that is bypassing the print preview command. Any Thoughts
Sub Print6030Chart()
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\t_frankb\My Documents\Excel\Weekly
Stability Metrics\Weekly Stability Metrics
Sheets("Weekly Stability Metrics").Select
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
Sheets("Weekly Arrival Data").Select
Application.Goto Reference:="PrintRange"
Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1, Preview:=True, Collate:=True
End Sub