Going to specific shape on a page when double clicking


Mike Wilcox


I am using Visio Professional 2002 and would like to do the following:

When I double click on a shape I would like to go to another page in the
visio file and center the detailed drawing of that shape on the screen.
There will be multiple detail shapes on the page.

Any help would be much appreciated.



Paul Anderson [MSFT]

Hi Mike

I can get you most of the way there. By default, when you add a hyperlink to a Visio shape, it is added as a right-click menu item. It may be possible to make this a double-click action using ShapeSheet automation, but I have less experience with that. Perhaps someone else will chime in

But see how this works for you

1. Select the target shape (the one you want to link to) and go Format | Special
2. Note the shape's "Name" (and the page it's on)
3. Now select the shape you want to link from, and go Insert | Hyperlinks
4. In the Hyperlinks dialog, click on the Browse... button association with the Sub-Address field
5. Select the page that contains the target shape, and enter the target shape's name
6. (You can also set the level of zoom here.
7. Click OK
8. Enter a Description. This will show up in the shape tips pop-up when you hover over the target shape, and in the right-click menu of that shape
9. Click OK in the Hyperlinks dialog

Now, when you right-click on this shape, a hyperlink to your target shape will appear in its right-click menu

Hope this helps

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----- Mike Wilcox wrote: ----


I am using Visio Professional 2002 and would like to do the following

When I double click on a shape I would like to go to another page in the
visio file and center the detailed drawing of that shape on the screen.
There will be multiple detail shapes on the page

Any help would be much appreciated



Mike Wilcox

Hi Mike,

I can get you most of the way there. By default, when you add a
hyperlink to a Visio shape, it is added as a right-click menu item. It
may be possible to make this a double-click action using ShapeSheet
automation, but I have less experience with that. Perhaps someone else
will chime in.

But see how this works for you:

1. Select the target shape (the one you want to link to) and go Format
| Special. 2. Note the shape's "Name" (and the page it's on).
3. Now select the shape you want to link from, and go Insert |
Hyperlinks. 4. In the Hyperlinks dialog, click on the Browse... button
association with the Sub-Address field. 5. Select the page that
contains the target shape, and enter the target shape's name. 6. (You
can also set the level of zoom here.) 7. Click OK.
8. Enter a Description. This will show up in the shape tips pop-up
when you hover over the target shape, and in the right-click menu of
that shape. 9. Click OK in the Hyperlinks dialog.

Now, when you right-click on this shape, a hyperlink to your target
shape will appear in its right-click menu.

Hope this helps.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

----- Mike Wilcox wrote: -----


I am using Visio Professional 2002 and would like to do the

When I double click on a shape I would like to go to another page
in the visio file and center the detailed drawing of that shape
on the screen. There will be multiple detail shapes on the page.

Any help would be much appreciated.




This did exactly what I want with one exception. Thank you for the step-
by step process.

Is it possible to make the double-click behaviour follow the link?



Hyperlinks under Visio Viewer


I'm using MS Visio 2002 std SR-1 and was wondering how to make those hyperlinks work under the Visio Viewer 2002. I try to access a particular page or shape in my VSD document under IE 6 but it wont work.
ex : /mydocument.vsd#page-9/shape1

Is there a solution ?



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