Golf score problem


Harry Limey

I have just posted this in a golf newsgroup, but then it occurred to me I
would probably have more chance going to the specialist group?
I have just been co-opted as secretary to the Senior's section at my golf
club, and I have been trying to set up an Excel programme to use for the
yearly medal trophy.
We play a medal once a month (12 times a year) and the best three rounds for
each player are added together - the person with the lowest 3 scores winning
the trophy.
What I would like to do is set up a sum in Excel which will take the lowest
three scores (for each person) and add them together!. Or if possible have
three boxes for each player detailing their - lowest - second lowest -third
lowest score.
If anyone can help with this or already has a similar programme worked out I
would appreciate the formulae!

Earl Kiosterud


If the 12 scores for a person were in B2:M2, then the lowest would be given


The second lowest by:


The $ aren't necessary, except for facilitating copying the formula

Harry Limey

Earl - not only are you very fast - but "spot on" as well
much appreciated - saved me hours of "fiddling"

Harry Limey

Thanks Tom
I now have a choice - I would have been happy for any solution yesterday!!!

Earl Kiosterud


Tom's solution nicely finds and sums the three lowest scores in one step.
It doesn't give you the individual scores. So if you want those, you'd use
the three SMALL functions in three cells, then the sum in another. If you
only want the final answer, use Tom's.

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