Good books and sites for excel VB?



What books and/or website are good to learn Visual Basic for Excel? I
know exactly what I would like to do, but at this moment I spend a LOT
of time figuring out how to do it.


Bob Phillips

What do you know already?

Do you know Excel well or not so well?

Are you familiar with programming languages generally or not at all?

Are you familiar with the syntax of VB or not at all?

Are you familiar with the Excel object model, or not at all.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Bob said:
What do you know already?

Do you know Excel well or not so well?

I know it well. I am able to make macro's and edit them
Are you familiar with programming languages generally or not at all?

I can script in general. I write scripts in bash. So loops and so on are
not an issue for me to understand. I also understand the sub and write
many smaller macro's and scriopts that I then link together.
Are you familiar with the syntax of VB or not at all?

Somewhat. I can understand when I make a macro and am able to read and
understand about 50-75% of other peoples code. However I am not good
enough to come up with my own code.
I know what I want. I know the steps on how to get there. It is just
that I am unable to do that last step of actualy writing the code for
the missing parts.

I have several sources (about 7 or 8) that I need to put into several
other weekly and monthly reports and obviously need to automate that.

Manualy it takes me about 4-5 hours per week and it should be done by
the press of a button. Also I do not want to ask you people here to
solve all my problems, even though all the questions I have had got a
great answer.
Are you familiar with the Excel object model, or not at all.

It is the first time I hear the name, so I would say not at all. :)


Bob Phillips

Even better. One of the benefits of buying earlier editions :)



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

Jon Peltier

My 2002 edition is dog-eared. I actually just picked up the 2007 edition.
Haven't opened it yet.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Tutorials and Custom Solutions
Peltier Technical Services, Inc. -

Bob Phillips said:
Even better. One of the benefits of buying earlier editions :)



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my


Then I would suggest Excel 2002 VBA by Bullen, Bovey, Green and Rosenberg,

Beware of the 2003 edit though, it was a poor job, full of errors, and
actually made the book worse.

Do you mean the 2003 edition of "Excel 2002 VBA"? Or do you mean the
edition entitled "Excel 2003 VBA"?

The "Excel 2002 VBA" sold by has a 2003 copyright. That
seems to be the only copyright year. Is that the bad one?

A little off-topic....

How do you vet non-name-brand vendors of a book, whom
points to? That is, sites that sound like companies, not individuals
(e.g. www_textbooksrus_com and a_book_place_4_u).

"Excel 2002 VBA" is available from a number of vendors(?) who are
allegedly offering new copies for as low as $7.50 -- much less than and less than many sites offering used copies.

I tend to be suspicious of vendors whose names I do not recognize.

Bob Phillips

joeu2004 said:
Do you mean the 2003 edition of "Excel 2002 VBA"? Or do you mean the
edition entitled "Excel 2003 VBA"?

The "Excel 2002 VBA" sold by has a 2003 copyright. That
seems to be the only copyright year. Is that the bad one?

I didn't know there was a 2003 edition of the 2002 book. I presume I mean
the 2003 edition of the 2002 book , the one with 2002 in the title, but I
know that I recommend avoiding the version edited by Paul T. Kimmel , the
one with 2003 in the title, that is the one to avoid IMO.

A little off-topic....

How do you vet non-name-brand vendors of a book, whom
points to? That is, sites that sound like companies, not individuals
(e.g. www_textbooksrus_com and a_book_place_4_u).

"Excel 2002 VBA" is available from a number of vendors(?) who are
allegedly offering new copies for as low as $7.50 -- much less than and less than many sites offering used copies.

I tend to be suspicious of vendors whose names I do not recognize.

Buying in this way always incurs a risk by its very nature, just as eBay
does. Happily, I have bought a couple of times, and I have never had a
problem personally, even when buying here in the UK from the States.

Bob Phillips

I have the 2000 version, even the plastic cover I put it in is falling
apart. I wrote to Wrox for a copy, but haven't heard from them :)-



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

Jon Peltier said:
My 2002 edition is dog-eared. I actually just picked up the 2007 edition.
Haven't opened it yet.

- Jon


Bob said:
Buying in this way always incurs a risk by its very nature, just as eBay
does. Happily, I have bought a couple of times, and I have never had a
problem personally, even when buying here in the UK from the States.

What I do is use a different cardnumver each time I buy something
online. I put the limit on that number to the price, so if they decide
to rip me off, all I loose is the amount and not later several other
amounts, because I did or did not check the correct boxes.

This is a service by Citibank and is pressy usefull.


Jon Peltier

To clarify: The book called "Excel 2002 VBA" is the good one. The one called
"Excel 2003 VBA" is the poorly remade one.

- Jon

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