Good Host ?


Henry Kolesnik

I'm using FrontPage 2003 to develop a web site with up to 100 pictures, most
will be about 100k with 2k thumb nails along with descriptions. I'd like to
find a host that has good performance and reasonable in price as this is a
persona project. I'm using SBC/Yahoo DSL but they don't provided the
service without a bunch of rules and advertising. And to get away formt he
ads and rules costs a bunch. I've heard of some good site but never paid
attention because I thought I had no need but now I do.

Who Cares!

| I'm using FrontPage 2003 to develop a web site with up to 100
pictures, most
| will be about 100k with 2k thumb nails along with descriptions. I'd
like to
| find a host that has good performance and reasonable in price as
this is a
| persona project. I'm using SBC/Yahoo DSL but they don't provided
| service without a bunch of rules and advertising. And to get away
formt he
| ads and rules costs a bunch. I've heard of some good site but never
| attention because I thought I had no need but now I do.
| tnx
| --
| 73
| Hank WD5JFR

I have a couple of sites hosted by GoDaddy ( and
have been very satisfied. Very reasonable rates, great service. They
are worth a look.


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