Dominique Ramirez
Hello. I just purchased Front Page 2003. Because I
am fairly new to this product, I was wondering if there
were any of you who were a bit more experienced with it
that could recommend to me a great site to go to in order
to find some awesome templates for a personal website? I
am not into e-commerce or anything business related, but
I do like really nice graphics and flash animations. I
would sincerely appreciate any help that you can give
me. Thank you all very much.
Dominique Angelo Ramirez
am fairly new to this product, I was wondering if there
were any of you who were a bit more experienced with it
that could recommend to me a great site to go to in order
to find some awesome templates for a personal website? I
am not into e-commerce or anything business related, but
I do like really nice graphics and flash animations. I
would sincerely appreciate any help that you can give
me. Thank you all very much.
Dominique Angelo Ramirez