Google desktop search and Excel password prompt


Bob Flanagan

If you have installed Google's desktop search and use Excel, you may get
prompts for a password to an add-in when you close Excel. Clicking cancel
on the request box just redisplays the request box.

The good news is that they are aware of the problem. The bad (good?) news
is that they "may fix in a future release".

The good news is that you can fix the probem. The bad news is you do this
by modifying the registry.

This solution came from Jeff Smith and was posted by John Walkenbach on his
blog. I did not discover. I do appreciate the solution and John's posting
of it.

You can find the details on the registry modification at And you can find a free
program to do the registry modification.

Hope this helps others!

Bob Flanagan
Macro Systems
Delaware, U.S. 302-234-9857
Productivity add-ins and downloadable books on VB macros for Excel

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