You are a GE-NI-US...
I am now way, way too proficient and efficient for my own good, believe you
Thx soooooooooo very much for your help. Everything works PERFECTLY well and
is running smoothly (however, I had to change Case 1,2,3 to Case 0,1,2). I
still have to work on the protect/unprotect command. It is in the Rewrap Sub
but does not seem to work too well for now. But, everything works when doc is
unprotected. I will look into that. And I even further customized this Select
Case to erase things when user selects one of the cases. The sky is the limit
now... I was missing the "ComboBox1.ListIndex" part on my previous
trial-and-error tests (mostly errors though). I didn't know how to link the
Select Case which I had used previously combined with DD fields to the
ComboBox of my new UserForm.
Hopefully for you, I will leave you alone for a while... a short while maybe
(!!!) but a while nevertheless.
Merci/Thank you/Muchas gracias/Muito obrigada and I would say that in every
language possible if I could.
I am now way, way too proficient and efficient for my own good, believe you
Thx soooooooooo very much for your help. Everything works PERFECTLY well and
is running smoothly (however, I had to change Case 1,2,3 to Case 0,1,2). I
still have to work on the protect/unprotect command. It is in the Rewrap Sub
but does not seem to work too well for now. But, everything works when doc is
unprotected. I will look into that. And I even further customized this Select
Case to erase things when user selects one of the cases. The sky is the limit
now... I was missing the "ComboBox1.ListIndex" part on my previous
trial-and-error tests (mostly errors though). I didn't know how to link the
Select Case which I had used previously combined with DD fields to the
ComboBox of my new UserForm.
Hopefully for you, I will leave you alone for a while... a short while maybe
(!!!) but a while nevertheless.
Merci/Thank you/Muchas gracias/Muito obrigada and I would say that in every
language possible if I could.