I'm currently working on a researcher ranking/Impact factor spreadsheet.
Here's the deal :
I have a column with each cell being the authors list of various reviews.
eg. :
column A
revue a
revue b
column B
authorB, authorC, (...) , author(N-/+1)
authorA, authorB, authorC, (...) ,authorN
In col.B the authors are listed in an ordered manner.
My problem is : how to have a (or many) function(s) that would do the
following :
- 1 -
Look for an author (eg. authorA) in all cells in columnB
- 2 -
If authorA is in first or last place, we give him +1 point
If authorA is in second or (last place - 1) , we give him +0,5 points
If authorA is between second and (last place - 1), we give him +0,25 points.
- 3 -
Add up all points in order to rank the authors.
if authorA has been 2 times first, we give him +2 (2*1)
if authorA has been 3 times last, we give him +3 (3*1)
if authorA has been 4 times second, we give him +2 (4*0,5)
if authorA has been 1 time (last place - 1), we give him +0,5 (1*0,5)
if authorA has been 10 times between second and (last place - 1), we
give him +2,5 (10*0,25)
Total : 2+3+2+0,5+2,5 = 10
And doing this with all authors, we can have a ranking such as :
AuthorA = 10, AuthorB = 14, etc.
The problem is quite simple, but trying to have it solved by Excel is a
pain ...
Right now we have to do this by hand ... And it's LOOOOONNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG.
The lists are something like more than a thousand lists of authors,
each list having different numbers of authors (we have from 1 author to
more than 10).
Can someone help me with this one ?
For the moment I have managed to writ up a code, but it's bug-filled ....
Here's the deal :
I have a column with each cell being the authors list of various reviews.
eg. :
column A
revue a
revue b
column B
authorB, authorC, (...) , author(N-/+1)
authorA, authorB, authorC, (...) ,authorN
In col.B the authors are listed in an ordered manner.
My problem is : how to have a (or many) function(s) that would do the
following :
- 1 -
Look for an author (eg. authorA) in all cells in columnB
- 2 -
If authorA is in first or last place, we give him +1 point
If authorA is in second or (last place - 1) , we give him +0,5 points
If authorA is between second and (last place - 1), we give him +0,25 points.
- 3 -
Add up all points in order to rank the authors.
if authorA has been 2 times first, we give him +2 (2*1)
if authorA has been 3 times last, we give him +3 (3*1)
if authorA has been 4 times second, we give him +2 (4*0,5)
if authorA has been 1 time (last place - 1), we give him +0,5 (1*0,5)
if authorA has been 10 times between second and (last place - 1), we
give him +2,5 (10*0,25)
Total : 2+3+2+0,5+2,5 = 10
And doing this with all authors, we can have a ranking such as :
AuthorA = 10, AuthorB = 14, etc.
The problem is quite simple, but trying to have it solved by Excel is a
pain ...
Right now we have to do this by hand ... And it's LOOOOONNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG.
The lists are something like more than a thousand lists of authors,
each list having different numbers of authors (we have from 1 author to
more than 10).
Can someone help me with this one ?
For the moment I have managed to writ up a code, but it's bug-filled ....