Denis in Brisbane
I found today that I wan't getting a notification on the home age of active
risks and issues assigned to me.
Tracked it down eventually to the fact that I'd changed the format and
numbering of the Issue Status and Risk Status fields. By default there is a
setting of (1) Active and the other are in the same format. I had changed to
1-Active for Issues and 2-Active for Risks.
It looks like the home page must have code that says 'if user = me and
issue/risk status = "(1) Active" then increment the counter' or something
If that's the case, the message is that if you don't like the format or want
to have the values in a different order, don't change (1) Active.
I initially thought it was a bit restrictive but on thinking about it
there's not much else that could be done. The only thing I could suggest
would be to make the test '....contains "Active"' rather than '........= "(1)
Can anybody corroborate this conclusion?
risks and issues assigned to me.
Tracked it down eventually to the fact that I'd changed the format and
numbering of the Issue Status and Risk Status fields. By default there is a
setting of (1) Active and the other are in the same format. I had changed to
1-Active for Issues and 2-Active for Risks.
It looks like the home page must have code that says 'if user = me and
issue/risk status = "(1) Active" then increment the counter' or something
If that's the case, the message is that if you don't like the format or want
to have the values in a different order, don't change (1) Active.
I initially thought it was a bit restrictive but on thinking about it
there's not much else that could be done. The only thing I could suggest
would be to make the test '....contains "Active"' rather than '........= "(1)
Can anybody corroborate this conclusion?