goto previous record accordıng to date



Hi There
I have a form with one textbox of each field of the data. I added 2
command buttons which assist to go through records (the code is
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious and DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
My problem is, it scrolls the data according to primary keys assigned
by access, my need is to go through according to the dates. I set the
table to show always date field ascending, however this is not helping
in the forms.

Any help is very much appreciated.
By the way, I tried to search the posts, but I am unable to find


Nikos Yannacopoulos


"I set the table to show always date field ascending..." Sorry, this just
doesn't work. It only applies to how the data is displayed in table
datasheet view. By nature, Access tables are just "buckets" you throw data
into, so they will "give it back" in PK order at best (that is if a PK
exists), no fancy sorting possibilities...

In order to secure that your form gets the data in the order you want it to,
you must create a simple query on the table, that does nothing more than
merely sort the data, and use that query as the recordseource for your form,
rather than the table directly.



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