


what happened to the goto page menu? It appears to have gotten lost between
visio 4 and visio 2000. I am using Visio 2002 and see that it still appears
as a UI command, but it won't invoke as a docmd(visCmdGoToPageToolbar) from
either shapesheet or VBA.

Sub page_menu()
Dim docobj As Visio.Document
Set sel = Visio.Application.ActiveDocument
Visio.Application.DoCmd (visCmdGoToPageToolbar)
End Sub

Code runs fine but does nothing. Is there any way to get the old Visio 4
GOTO Page MENU dialog box back?

Chris Roth [ Visio MVP ]

My guess is that the menu died because they put those nifty page tabs at the
bottom of the window.

To switch pages, you get 'hold of a drawing window. Usually
Visio.ActiveWindow will get you a drawing window, but check Window.Type
just to be sure. Then you set the Page property of that window to the page
you want. This models very closely what users in the "real world" do, so
hopefully you won't miss your docmd too much : )

From the ShapeSheet, I think there's an old GoToPage function, and you can
always make a hyperlink that jumps to pages inside the doc.


Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP


I hoped that wasn't the case. I've already built them page scrolling
functions on a custom tool bar but apparently that isn't enough. I'll code a
solution now simply to replace this lost functionality - I just wanted to
make sure it wasn't hidden and still available before doing so. My user
community REALLY misses the old page menu and they don't regard the Excel
tab approach as a substitute - no one wants to scroll the tabs to find
pages. It's fine I suppose for smaller documents but eats up too much time
for long documents and documents with several background pages. Open a
docked stencil and the working area for a page is smaller than ever showing
very few page tabs. They all just want the big page menu back where the can
point and shoot to go straight to a page. Many of them produce documents
that are 20-30 pages in length with as many as 6-8 background pages. It's
just one of the many issues I have in getting my customers to upgrade.

David Parker [Visio MVP]

Also, the Drawing Explorer window has been added, which no only allows you
to navigate to pages, but shapes within them.


The Drawing Explorer Window is not a place I like to send "task based
users". It also can't be docked as a tab with the Custom Properties,
Pan/Zoom windows etc. It wants it's own pane taking even more screen
realestate. Just so you know, I get an earful every week from my community
about upgrading and the themes usually resonate on three items that were
dropped from Visio 4.

1. The missing goto page menu.
2. The missing zoom to selection tool
3. The lack of screen realestate to work on a document - taken by all the
tool bars, docutment tabs and view windows, etc. As these are all the "new
way" to do things it just leaves less room to do work.

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