Hi Orah,
I'm not clear on what you're seeing. Can you provide the steps you're using and the result you're trying to achieve?
In Word 2007 the drawing or picture tools (depending on graphic type) tabs in the ribbon won't be visible unless the graphic is
The 'select object' arrow is on Home=>Editing but won't work for all graphics in Word 2007, it's type sensitive.
OK. Maybe this only happens in tables, because you can see the edges of the
graphic on the full page.
Most important, in Word 2007, it is hokey to get the drawing tools visible
if you can't grab the graphic.
Second, there is no arrow on the left side of the tool bar to select an
object. There may be on in previous versions, but I don't see it in 2007.
Deborah Camacho >?>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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