Grade calculation sheets



To calculate quiz averages from ten quiz grades I'd like
to drop the two lowest grades and then average the rest.

Is there a function, or combination of functions,in Excel
that will do this?

Thousands of teachers must have confronted this question
before as they put together spread sheets to record
grades, and calculate averages -but as a beginning user
of Excel it sure is a mystery.

Thanks for any help,

Jim Rech

From the sum of the grades you'd want to subtract the smallest and the
second smallest. If the grades are in A1:A10 the smallest is:

=MIN(A1:A10) [or =SMALL(A1:A10,1) ]

and the second smallest is:


You would then divide by the number of test scores less 2, which is:


This assumes at least 3 tests were taken. You could divide by


to never get a zero or negative test count.

Peo Sjoblom

One way using array formula


entered with ctrl + shift & enter



they will differ if for instance you have several values that are equal like
the 2 lowest values are 4 and they are all the same

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