Grade Problem



Hi everybody.

This is my first post and i'm already asking for help! Well anyway i'
quite new to excel so I shall be visiting these areas quite alot i
order to help me get a grasp of it. If I posted this in the wron
section I do apologise, as i'm not sure what category it's classed as.

My problem is that I have an average mark of a students results ove
the past year (which is located in cell 48), with this mark I woul
like to be able to convert his mark into a grade in a different cell.
would like this to be repeatable for a list of students with differen
average marks.

Below is what i've done so far but I just don't know what to do as th
problem I get is all my grades no matter what the marks coming up wit
an 'F'.

=IF(E48>=70,"FIRST", IF(E48>=60,"TWO:ONE", IF(E48>=50,"TWO:TWO"

Obviously the 'FIRST' and 'TWO:TWO' is the grade the student will get
As said above, cell E48 is this students average mark.

I hope you guys can help me, and great work! Keep up the advice, i'l
need it


Can't see much wrong with your formula except for a missing parenthesi
at the end.

Often, instead of multiple IFs you can use a lookup type formula
either self-contained with the formula, e.g.


or if you construct a table A1:B5, i.e. A1 contains 0, A2 40, A3 5
etc, and B1 F, B2 THIRD, B3 TWO:TWO etc. and use formula


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