Tom Miller
Sometime ago a potential website customer wanted a "gradiant color change"
like going from a really dark purple-blue to a much lighter blue.
I vaguely remember something like that being possible in FP2002 but I can't
find it. Is this strickly an image editor trick (eg. Photoshop etc).
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like going from a really dark purple-blue to a much lighter blue.
I vaguely remember something like that being possible in FP2002 but I can't
find it. Is this strickly an image editor trick (eg. Photoshop etc).
Be well, do good work, and keep in touch® (from
http://writersalmanac.publicradio.org/ ) Visit www.ChatNFiles.com bbs with
Telnet Chatting and over 800,000 downloads. Join the Webmasters
www.iwanet.org today. Free web www.w3schools.com training. Life is tough.
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