Hi there,
Microsoft on its pages uses gradient color in the layout cells (e.g. in the blue header) . Those cells look colorless in the design
view. If I look at the cell properties or cell format there is not even a hint of color or an option to introduce a gradient. If I
switch to code view, I can see that those cells have the following style applied:
XImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(startColorStr='#4B92D9', endColorStr='#CEDFF6', gradientType='1')"
Questions: How can I access this property from the design view and where can I learn more about this type of filters?
Many thanks,
Microsoft on its pages uses gradient color in the layout cells (e.g. in the blue header) . Those cells look colorless in the design
view. If I look at the cell properties or cell format there is not even a hint of color or an option to introduce a gradient. If I
switch to code view, I can see that those cells have the following style applied:
Questions: How can I access this property from the design view and where can I learn more about this type of filters?
Many thanks,