Gradient page background


Nico D


I am using a gradient background on my page but now the scrollbars don't
work OK. They simple disappear????

The way i implemented the background is as follows:


<!-- Background gradient fill -->
<div id="oBox" style="position:absolute; overflow:hidden; top:0; left:0;
width:102%; height:1300px; filter:

Can someone help??

Thanks in advance

Steve Easton

Get rid of overflow:hidden;

Also, gradients only work in Internet Explorer.
It's better to take a screenshot of your gradient and use it as a
background image.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Wally S

Using a screenshot may produce a very, very large image, which would slow
down the loading of the page. Maybe better just to think of something else.

Wally s

Steve Easton

You make a screenshot of the gradient, about 10 pixels high ( or wide )
and then let it repeat.


Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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........................with a computer

Trevor L.

Strange, I was going to post the same as immediately below. So it seems the
ideas of the MVPs are being noticed by amateur persons like me.

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