Grading Function Question...



Well, I believe that I have figured it out (at least to the best of m
ability). I was unable to have blank fields, since every assignmen
had a function assigned to it, so it was either 0 or whatever th
percentage the student's grade gave them.

Anyways, I copied my "final grade" worksheet into a new worksheet name
("Grades-Now!", then added a row above the table... I then manuall
inputed number into this new row to use as its divisible average (i.e
if I had 3 out of 4 test already taken, then I manually entered 3 int
that column for the function to only average the sum of the assignmen
worksheet divided against the number that I manually inputed into th

it seems to work alright now.

If this sounds confusing, I'm more than happy to provide a blan
spreadsheet to anyone who would like to use or see it


It is just a little bit difficult to understand (IMO only) how you are
unable to have blank fields.

Anyway, if you have figured out a way and it works for you, I guess
that is all that matters. The formula does not have to be "elegant" ...
if it works for you then so be it!!!

Well, I believe that I have figured it out (at least to the best of my
ability). I was unable to have blank fields, since every assignment
had a function assigned to it, so it was either 0 or whatever the
percentage the student's grade gave them.

Anyways, I copied my "final grade" worksheet into a new worksheet named
("Grades-Now!", then added a row above the table... I then manually
inputed number into this new row to use as its divisible average (i.e.
if I had 3 out of 4 test already taken, then I manually entered 3 into
that column for the function to only average the sum of the assignment
worksheet divided against the number that I manually inputed into the

it seems to work alright now.

If this sounds confusing, I'm more than happy to provide a blank
spreadsheet to anyone who would like to use or see it.

Bernie Deitrick


I guess I should have given you some other alternatives then. If your
grades are in A2:G2, for example, enter this then copy down to match your
other students' grades:


or, array entered (entered with Ctrl-Shift-Enter)

MS Excel MVP

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