Grammar correction doesn't work (italian)



Hello all.

I got a problem with my Word 2008 (SP1) on my OS X Leopard: when I type
some text in my language (italian) it doesn't get corrected nor
underlined as an error if I type the words in a wrong manner. Also, when
I do manually the text check, it doesn't correct anything at all!

How do I have to set things up, so that I can use the italian dictionary
and have automatically corrected what I'm typing?




Daiya Mitchell

as I'm using "Swiss French" keyboard layout and according to
Microsoft's info at

there is *no* "Swiss French" language proofing tool, how may I do
correction in Italian language?

Possibly I'm not understanding the should be the same
instructions as at the link.

You should be able to type in one keyboard layout but write in a
different language. You would only need Office to have a Swiss French
proofing tool if you wanted to be writing in Swiss French and spell or
grammar check that.

(Although, Office does have some bugs related to using non-US keyboard
layouts. But it doesn't sound like you have hit one.)


Daiya Mitchell ha scritto:
You should be able to type in one keyboard layout but write in a
different language. You would only need Office to have a Swiss French
proofing tool if you wanted to be writing in Swiss French and spell or
grammar check that.

Well, OK here's my situation: I got "Swiss French" keyboard layout as it
is used in Switzerland. I have to use the *italian* proofing tools,
because it's being used to write in italian. How should I proceed to get
this working? Actually, when I type in italian, nothing gets corrected
and same thing happens when I manually start the proofing of the text
I've typed...
I've installed *all* the proofing tools available (full install).
One thing I noticed is that on the floating bar, when I go into
"Reference Tools" (I hope it's correctly translated from the italian
"Strumenti di riferimento"), then "Dictionary" there is *no* italian
language! There are English, Japanese, French, German and Spanish.
Also, when I do "check document", I read (still in that floating bar)
that the language hasn't been identified...

Weird, isn't it?

Thanks for your help.

Daiya Mitchell

OxygeN said:
Well, OK here's my situation: I got "Swiss French" keyboard layout as
it is used in Switzerland. I have to use the *italian* proofing tools,
because it's being used to write in italian. How should I proceed to
get this working? Actually, when I type in italian, nothing gets
corrected and same thing happens when I manually start the proofing of
the text I've typed...
I've installed *all* the proofing tools available (full install).
One thing I noticed is that on the floating bar, when I go into
"Reference Tools" (I hope it's correctly translated from the italian
"Strumenti di riferimento"), then "Dictionary" there is *no* italian
language! There are English, Japanese, French, German and Spanish.
Also, when I do "check document", I read (still in that floating bar)
that the language hasn't been identified...

Aha! The floating bar is the wrong place to be looking, and Reference
Tools doesn't have anything to do with spellchecking your document, it
just lets you look stuff up. For this issue, totally ignore everything
on the floating bar.

Okay, you've installed all the proofing tools.

So now, select all the text you have typed in Italian. Go to Tools |
Language (on the main menu bar). Select Italian, hit OK. Now you have
informed Word that this text is typed in Italian and it should check the
text against Italian proofing tools. Test by using Tools | Spelling and
Grammar to start checking the document. Is it behaving now?

There's more you might want to do, but let's check the basics first.


Corentin Cras-Méneur

So now, select all the text you have typed in Italian. Go to Tools |
Language (on the main menu bar). Select Italian, hit OK. Now you have
informed Word that this text is typed in Italian and it should check the
text against Italian proofing tools. Test by using Tools | Spelling and
Grammar to start checking the document. Is it behaving now?

Well this looks liek the keyboard/spelling bug that hit us with Office
Office *decides* for you that if you are using a specific keyboard
layout, you must be writing in the language *they* associate with it
(and it doesn't work well in many countries like Switzerland or Belgium
where people speak more than one language).

By the way, you can use a script to easily switch between languages in
Office 2008:
(in English on the bottom of the page)



Daiya Mitchell ha scritto:
So now, select all the text you have typed in Italian. Go to Tools |
Language (on the main menu bar). Select Italian, hit OK. Now you have
informed Word that this text is typed in Italian and it should check the
text against Italian proofing tools. Test by using Tools | Spelling and
Grammar to start checking the document. Is it behaving now?

It is behaving like it's supposed to, yes.
A note, though: as I put an error in a DOC file I opened (I changed one
word in a sentence), Word 2008 *automagically* started to underline with
red and green waved lines some words. What should this be meaning?
There's more you might want to do, but let's check the basics first.

Wow, do you think I'm ready for more?!

Daiya Mitchell

OxygeN said:
Daiya Mitchell ha scritto:

It is behaving like it's supposed to, yes.

Okay, great! So the worst-case scenario is that you might have to do
that on every document. But if you find yourself doing it frequently,
there are shortcuts you can set up. Do you want Italian to be your
default language, or do you just type in it occasionally?
A note, though: as I put an error in a DOC file I opened (I changed
one word in a sentence), Word 2008 *automagically* started to
underline with red and green waved lines some words. What should this
be meaning?

The red wavy underlines mean "this word is not spelled right". If you
right-click a word with a red wavy underline, Word should offer you
correct spellings that you can choose. The green ones mean "there is a
grammatical error somewhere here".

When you open a doc, if "Check Spelling as You Type" and "Check Grammar
as you Type" are turned on, then Word will scan the document and do the
automatic checking. You can turn these on or off via Word | Preferences
| Edit (I keep spelling on but grammar off). *However*, note that if
you were typing in Italian, but Word doesn't know that the language is
Italian, it will red-underline every word, thinking it is supposed to be
checking French or something. Again, tagging the text as Italian via
Tools | Language will fix that.



Daiya Mitchell ha scritto:
Okay, great! So the worst-case scenario is that you might have to do
that on every document. But if you find yourself doing it frequently,
there are shortcuts you can set up. Do you want Italian to be your
default language, or do you just type in it occasionally?

Italian is the *default* language, yes.

When you open a doc, if "Check Spelling as You Type" and "Check Grammar
as you Type" are turned on, then Word will scan the document and do the
automatic checking. You can turn these on or off via Word | Preferences
| Edit (I keep spelling on but grammar off). *However*, note that if
you were typing in Italian, but Word doesn't know that the language is
Italian, it will red-underline every word, thinking it is supposed to be
checking French or something. Again, tagging the text as Italian via
Tools | Language will fix that.

Many many thanks so far! It's great when ppl like you explain stuff and
*I* can understand it ;-)))

Daiya Mitchell

Italian is the *default* language, yes.

Okay. Try this: Tools | Language, select Italian, hit the Default
button instead of OK. Say Yes to the confirmation dialog. When you
create a new document, it should now use Italian by default, and if you
have the Check Spelling As You Type on, you'll get red lines on
mis-spelled words automatically.

Except, I'm not sure this will work--Office 2008 has some bugs where it
might, for instance, because you are using a Swiss French keyboard
layout, insist on constantly resetting the language to French or
something, and force you to manually re-apply Italian.

Test it a bit--if you find that you have to keep using Tools | Language
to get Word to see new documents as in Italian, post back and we'll try
some other methods to make Word recognize the default you want.
Many many thanks so far! It's great when ppl like you explain stuff
and *I* can understand it ;-)))
You're welcome. Happy to help.



Daiya Mitchell ha scritto:
Okay. Try this: Tools | Language, select Italian, hit the Default
button instead of OK. Say Yes to the confirmation dialog. When you
create a new document, it should now use Italian by default, and if you
have the Check Spelling As You Type on, you'll get red lines on
mis-spelled words automatically.

This thing of setting "as default" the italian language is somehow not
working: it was one of the things I tried a week ago when I first had to
face this issue. It "seemed" to apply it to the, but instead
every time I closed and reopened Word 2008, I got French set as language :-(
Except, I'm not sure this will work--Office 2008 has some bugs where it
might, for instance, because you are using a Swiss French keyboard
layout, insist on constantly resetting the language to French or
something, and force you to manually re-apply Italian.

I guess you hit the point: BUG! (I really continue to be unsatisfied of
MS programs which cost a considerable amount of money and have many
bugs. I love to work with OpenOffice at home, but this is MHO...)
Test it a bit--if you find that you have to keep using Tools | Language
to get Word to see new documents as in Italian, post back and we'll try
some other methods to make Word recognize the default you want.

I guess it'll remain as it is: selecting text, setting language to
italian, doing document check against spelling & grammar... :-(

Thanks so far!

Daiya Mitchell

OxygeN said:
I guess it'll remain as it is: selecting text, setting language to
italian, doing document check against spelling & grammar... :-(

Okay. Yep, the keyboard layout bug is your problem. Maybe an update will
fix it. Please use Help | Send Feedback in Word to complain to MS--lots
of complaints should raise the priority on getting it fixed.

Ways to minimize the inconvenience of having to constantly re-assign

You should be able to set Italian after typing just a few words in a new
document (Select All first), and Italian should hold as you type more,
and let you use the Check Spelling As You Type, if you want to, which I
find less annoying than checking after I'm done.

Note that hitting "i" when you are in Tools | Language will jump you to
the "i" section, quicker than scrolling.

You can set up a shortcut to tag text as Italian using the script here:


You can create a custom template that is already tagged italian (I think this will work, not 100% positive), and create documents from that instead of from This is most worth testing if there are other things that you consistently do--for instance, if you are writing letters, you can set up a letter template and include the Italian formatting in it. Ditto for student essays that will always have page numbers and a header.



Daiya Mitchell ha scritto:
Ways to minimize the inconvenience of having to constantly re-assign

Still thanking you for all the suggestions: actually 2 ppl have to deal
with Word 2008 and they will do the stuff I told'em, which is to select
text and apply Italian. If they'll bother more, I kill'em! ;-)))

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