Grand Summary at end of report based on a selected criteria


Rick Reynolds

I have a form that allows the user to build a report based
on 4 different criteria (Project, Site, Species, Beg. &
End Dates). They can mix or match criteria as they see

The report gives detailed information on species of
animals captured by Project,Site, Species and Date
(Beg./End) depending on which criteria are selected. I
have a subreport that gives me the count of each species
caught by selected criteria. For example: the user wanted
a report based on Site A and Date > 1999 and <2002.

(Main Report)
Site: A Date:01/01/01
species X
species Y
species X
species W

Summary Report:
Species X = 2
Species Y = 1
Species W = 1

(Next Page)
Site: A Date: 02/01/01
species X
species X
species R
species T
species R

Summary Report:
Species X = 2
Species R = 2
Species T = 1

This continues for all Site A's by dates between 1999 and

What I want is a grand total for each species at the end
of the report.

From Above:

Grand Summary:
Species X = 4
Species Y = 1
Species W = 1
Species R = 2
Species T = 1

I seem to be able to get this to work "sometimes." I
believe my problem lies in the fact that the underlying
query for the "Grand Total" changes as the report criteria
change (i.e., the fields in the underlying query change
depending on criteria chosen)? I've tried to set up a SQL
statement in the OnOpen Event of the Grand Total subreport
(placed in the report footer). I also wonder if I'm going
about this the right/easiest way? Any thooughts would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.



Add a subreport to the main report's footer and qroup the
subreport by species using your other criteria ranges.
You can display the total for each species without
displaying the detail.

Hope this helped


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