grand-total of subtotals ?

  • Thread starter Neither rhyme nor reason
  • Start date

Neither rhyme nor reason


I am looking for the formula that would allow me to grand-total the value of
subtotals in a column. I'm obviously new at this.



Peo Sjoblom

If you apply data>subtotal then you should get a grand total at the end

Ken Wright

Assuming your subtotals were created using the SUBTOTAL() function then you
can simply use the same function on the whole range and it will ignore them
and not doublecount anything. You have to be careful though in that if you
filter any rows then any hidden values in that range will not be summed.

As already suggested, take a look at Data / Subtotals, and also take a look
at Pivot tables. If your data can be used to feed a Pivot Table and you can
get your head round those you will never look back.

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