Hmm... tried to implement your suggestion, but found myself seeing
unchanged results, so I think I need to spell out further what fool
things I'm doing here. <G>
Here's the underlying query from which the chart is formed:
PARAMETERS [forms]![frmTotalEfficiency]![cboProcess] IEEEDouble;
SELECT Format$([shift_calc.Date],"mmm-yy") AS MonthYear,
AS TotalEff
FROM Raw INNER JOIN shift_calc ON Raw.ID = shift_calc.ID
GROUP BY Format$([shift_calc.Date],"mmm-yy"), shift_calc.Shift_Num,
HAVING (((Raw.process_id)=[forms]![frmTotalEfficiency]![cboProcess])
ORDER BY Last(shift_calc.Date), shift_calc.Shift_Num;
This gives me a result like this:
MonthYear Shift_Num TotalEff
Aug-05 1 57.63%
Aug-05 2 56.89%
Aug-05 3 72.79%
Sep-05 1 52.66%
Sep-05 2 58.17%
Sep-05 3 73.67%
Oct-05 2 49.69%
Oct-05 1 59.77%
Oct-05 3 67.55%
Nov-05 2 45.17%
Nov-05 1 53.64%
Nov-05 3 76.68%
So the original data will always constitute 1 full year. That query
(called qryTotalEfficiencyByMonth) is used to draw a column chart, with
the months being the X axis and the percentages as the Y axis. Here's
the Row Source SQL for that chart:
TRANSFORM Sum(qryTotalEfficiencyByMonth.TotalEff) AS SumOfTotalEff
SELECT qryTotalEfficiencyByMonth.MonthYear
FROM qryTotalEfficiencyByMonth
GROUP BY qryTotalEfficiencyByMonth.MonthYear
PIVOT qryTotalEfficiencyByMonth.Shift_Num;
So can you tell me then where I should implement your change? At
qryTotalEfficiencyByMonth? Or at the Row Source SQL?
On 11 Jul 2006 09:57:59 -0700, Jon wrote:
Okay, I think that'll solve it for now... but the chart will always
display monthly values for one full year, ending in the current month.
For instance the chart is supposed to display from Aug 05 to Jul 06 for
this month, next month it'll go from Sep-05 to Aug-06; if I'd generated
it last month, it would've gone from Jul-05 to Jun-06.
So how does your solution change then to reflect the changing month?
fredg wrote:
On 11 Jul 2006 09:01:13 -0700, Jon wrote:
I have a chart in a report in Access 2002 that seems to be doing
something odd with the date values. The underlying query has results
which are aggregated by month for one full year's worth of
for example, Aug-05, Sep-05, Oct-05, Nov-05, Dec-05, Jan-06, Feb-06,
Mar-06, Apr-06, May-06, Jun-06, Jul-06.
The problem is the chart is displaying the information as followed:
Jan-06, Feb-06, Mar-06, Apr-06, May-06, Jun-06, Jul-06, Aug-06,
Oct-06, Dec-06. It's starting at the wrong point (January instead of
August), and it's assigning the wrong year to the months between
and December. The values for the months are correct - e.g., Sep-06 on
the chart has the proper value for Sep-05.
The part of the underlying query that deals with the month is this:
MonthYear: Format$([shift_calc.Date],"mmm-yy")
so the information should still be in a form that it can manipulate.
How do I get Access to display the dates in the fashion I want?
You wish to sort differently than Access sorts, therefore you must
include a field in the query (graph rowsource) that tells the graph
how you want the data sorted.
Add a new column to the query:
SortThis:IIf(Year([DateField]) =
Sort the query on this column.
You'll also want to limit the data to 8/1/2005 to 7/31/2006
8/2005 = 1
12/2005 = 5
1/2006 = 6
7/2006 = 12
You can make it more versatile for future years by using:
SortThis:IIf(Year([DateField]) = [Enter start year],
and you'll be prompted each time.
Please respond only to this newsgroup.
I do not reply to personal e-mail
Just change the expression to:
Note: There is no need for the SortThis value to be between 1 to 12.
Change my [ADate] to the actual name of your date field.
Filter the records so that only 12 months appear.