Graph Legend Keeps Changing


John Calder


I run Windows 2000 and Excel 2000.

I have some graphs that I update on a monthly basis, the
problem is that when I extend the range to take in the
next month, the Legends changes from "SCRAP", "PLAN", etc
etc to "Series 1", "Series 2" etc etc.

I then have to go into Source Data and rename the "Series
1", "Series 2" etc back to to "SCRAP", "PLAN" etc

Could anyone tell me how I can stop this from happening?
That is how can I get the Legends to stay the same and not
change everytime I redefine the range.


The lengends have been moved from the side of the graphs
(where they are originally located when the graph is
created) to sit directly on top of the graphs. I,m not
sure if this has anything to do with it.



Jon Peltier

John -

You should set up your chart data so the series names are in the cells
next to the data. For example, if series 1 is in column B and series 2
is in column C, put the series 1 name in cell B1 and start the data in
B2, and put series 2 name in C1 and the data starting in C2. Put the X
data in column A starting in A2 and leave cell A1 blank. Select the
range containing all the data, including row 1, and make your chart.
Excel knows that the first row is for series names and the first column
is for X data, because of the blank cell.

When you update your data every month, make sure you include the top row
in the new source data. If the new data is lower in the worksheet (not
connected to the top row), select the top row of data (headers), then
hold Ctrl while selecting the next area.

- Jon

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