Graph lines that will not go away.



I have no idea how these gridlines just appeared one day. In Microsoft Word,
under "View" / "Print Layout" instead of a blank plain, white sheet, it looks
like a sheet of graph paper. You can type over it, etc and when I print off
the page, the graphs do not show up on the paper. I have gone to the "Table"
section and pressed "hide gridlines', but that still does not work. I turn it
off, go home and it still shows up the next day. I have looked everywhere,
even have asked 4 -5 people how to remove this, no one knows. I want these
gridlines permanently off! Help.

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

In Word, display the Drawing toolbar if it isn't already displayed (View
| Toolbars | Drawing). On the Drawing toolbar, click on Draw | Grid |
uncheck the "Display gridlines on screen" box | OK.


I am trying to find out how I CAN print such gridlines!
I have selected Draw/Grid/Display Gridlines in order to create a room plan
but, when I select Print Preview or actually print the page, the gridlines
disappear. How can I retain them ie draw a plan on a graph paper background?

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