Hi guys
I have a graph see attachment
Is it poss to have a formula that would look at the graph and come up
with the answer as if i was following the graph
i.e look at the weight on the vertical scale then go along
(horizontally) to the over all width (of the shutter) and see where the
lines meet
150kg by 6000mm width would fall in the 5" 10swg (127x3.25) range and
this would be the answer (can excel do the same thing???)
Many thanks
|Filename: graph.jpg |
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=5185 |
I have a graph see attachment
Is it poss to have a formula that would look at the graph and come up
with the answer as if i was following the graph
i.e look at the weight on the vertical scale then go along
(horizontally) to the over all width (of the shutter) and see where the
lines meet
150kg by 6000mm width would fall in the 5" 10swg (127x3.25) range and
this would be the answer (can excel do the same thing???)
Many thanks
|Filename: graph.jpg |
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=5185 |