graphic and text



I wrote in before asking how to keep a graphic and text
together centered on the page. Thanks - it worked great.

Now, they decided to have text wrapped around the picture
instead. I select square and the text wraps fine. The
problem is the "caption" that goes with it. I have a hard
time getting it to stay under the picture. If I don't put
it in a text box, it wraps, so I put it in a text box and
it floats! How do I use the anchor - can't figure that
out either. Is it necessary, or is there an easier way.

I have to reformat 185 figures again, and it's driving me
nuts. Wish they'd make up their minds! Thanks.


You can group the picture and the text box together and
then choose to square wrap it. To group the 2 together
click on the picture and cholding down the shift key
click on the text box. Then click on Draw on the Drawing
toolbar and choose Group.

Hope this helps


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Change both the graphic and the caption to In Line with Text if they're not
already. Then select both (just as you would select two text paragraphs) and
use the Insert Frame button on the Forms toolbar to put them together in a
frame. Remove the frame border (Format | Borders and Shading or the No
Border button on the Formatting toolbar) and use Format | Frame to fine-tune
the placement of the frame. Since you have a lot of graphics to do, you'll
probably want to add Frame to the Insert menu using Tools | Customize. You
might also want to define a framed style (a frame can be included as part of
a paragraph style). If you do this, then you can just click on the inline
graphic and caption and apply that style to apply the frame.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


Hi there! You seem super smart and very informed about Word graphics. I have a problem here that has completely stumped me.

I have a text document that is in 3 column format. I want to put a box in the center of the middle column. However, I have 2 requirements of this box: 1) The text must "break around" the box. In other words, I don't want the text to enter the box, be in front of the box, or behind it either. It will simply be around it. 2) I don't want the box to move. It must be anchored somehow. In other words, when you hit enter, or add text above the box, the box will NOT go down. It remains fixed in the center of the page.


-Desperate Dan

Suzanne S. Barnhill

See reply to your duplicate question in another thread.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Dan said:
Hi there! You seem super smart and very informed about Word graphics. I
have a problem here that has completely stumped me.
I have a text document that is in 3 column format. I want to put a box in
the center of the middle column. However, I have 2 requirements of this
box: 1) The text must "break around" the box. In other words, I don't want
the text to enter the box, be in front of the box, or behind it either. It
will simply be around it. 2) I don't want the box to move. It must be
anchored somehow. In other words, when you hit enter, or add text above the
box, the box will NOT go down. It remains fixed in the center of the page.

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