Graphic Appears Chopped Off


Peyton Todd


I am stuffing little graphics (29 x 29 pixels) into a Word document to serve
as icons (to which media is to be attached later in a PDF - the movie ones
look like old fashioned movie beginnings with numbered frames, a 1 over a 2
over a 3). Everything has been working fine until up to now, but now I find I
must apply a particular template to my document for publication in an
academic journal - one which they provide for download. When I apply their
template, and when I do, all my icons appear chopped off to about half their
correct height.

They are inside table cells, so at first I thought the problem could be
solved by Format --> Font --> Character Spacing --> Position, and moving them
downward (as Word MVP taught me about a year ago). That does move them
downward (so evidently their top was still there, just hidden behind the
table row above?)... but then the bottom gets chopped off! Even if I paste a
new copy of the graphic somewhere on a page, but outside of a table I still
get the chopped off version. Yet I can cut and paste the chopped off version
into a graphics editor, and it appears there full size.

Evidently their template is causing this... What can I do?

Thanks for your help,

Peyton Todd

Thanks, Jezebel, but that solution won't do. Space is limited in academic
journals, and bigger table rows would take up too much valuable real estate.
And smaller icons are harder for a reader to click on. Anyway, as I pointed
out, the same chopped off problem occurs when I past the graphic somewhere
outside of a table. Any other ideas would be appreciated!


Guess your only other option is to keep hammering at the square peg and pray
for rain.

Peyton Todd

First, Jezebel, allow me to thank you for your help last year. Your advice
about how to lower the position of a graphic solved the problem I had then.

Now, back to my present problem, it can't be a case of pounding a square peg
into a round hole because I can paste graphic at will into any other document
but one built on this template and there's no problem. But even when I paste
it into a brand new document based on their template, the problem occurs.

Something in their template evidently specifies that a line can be only a
certain height, no?

Peyton Todd


I checked Paragraph --> Line Spacing, and it turns out that their template
specifies 'Exactly 14 pts.'. All I have to do is change that to 'At least 14
pts.', and since all my icons are inside table cells devoted exclusively to
them, that does not effect the line height specified by the template in other

Thought you'd like to know...

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