Graphic display problem


Dave H

If I paste word art, a graphic or a screen capture into WORD it fails to
display. This is rectified if I select print preview. However, it disappears
again when next accessed.

I have 'tools options view' with the drawings box checked and picture
placeholders unchecked.

Has anyone any ideas how I might rectify this?

Dave H

This is very disappointing. No replies? Has anyone encountered anything like
this? The problem is really frustrating

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You don't specify which version of Word this is or what view you are in. If
it is Word 97 or earlier and you are in Normal view, then you will not see
pasted graphics because they are not pasted inline.

Dave H

Thanks for the response!

I am using Word 2002 and XP Home (SP2). The view is set to Print Layout.

I have another machine running Word 2002 and XP that doesn't have this
problem. I've tried comparing the 'word' settings on the 2 machines and
haven't spotted any obvious differences. However, there must be some reason


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Dave,

If this is on every document, rather than just one
(which may be corrupted) then it may be a display driver
issue. Check the display card/PC makers website for
updated driver and try turning down the accelerator
properties on your card (right click on your desktop then
choose properties) two clicks to see if it helps.

Thanks for the response!

I am using Word 2002 and XP Home (SP2). The view is set to Print Layout.

I have another machine running Word 2002 and XP that doesn't have this
problem. I've tried comparing the 'word' settings on the 2 machines and
haven't spotted any obvious differences. However, there must be some reason

Dave >>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 Editions explained

Dave H

Thanks Bob,

Fantastic - at first glance problem appears to be solved! I had to turn the
hardware accelerator down 3 notches before it worked though.

I am most grateful!



Dave, if you are still not able to turn your acceleration back to high, I had
solved my problem and kept the acceleration high and able to view the
pictures, If you have the same card as mine, ATI Radeon 9600PRO, go to ATI
site to use their CAT UNINSTALL to uninstall, then reinstall the latest
driver issued on January. One other person just solved his problem doing the
same, the first restart might not work, after the 2nd or the 3rd, it should.


i have the same problem, but i tried everything here and it still doesn't


It did work at first, then it did not work again. After repeating that
process many times. I decided to test hardware instead. I removed the 9600
card, and put in a 9250 from another computer, no more problem. I reported to
ATI that it is hardware problem, they told me to contact the computer store
since it was still under warranty. Since they no longer made 9600, they gave
me a 9800. No more problem as well, but you have to make sure your
motherboard power supply can handle it. When they replace the 9800, they did
not upgrade the power supply, and few months after my motherboard blew up and
I had to replace the motherboard.

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