Graphic Imbedding



I want to put graphics in the main part of a Word document and in the footer.
I don't want these graphics to be moved by anyone other than me.

Does anyone know of a way to do that?


Jay Freedman

There are ways, but they'll be a fair amount of work and aren't
guaranteed to prevent a determined person from getting around them. So
first decide whether it's really that important, or whether it's
enough just to ask people not to move the graphics.

For things in the body of the document, apply document protection.
Exactly which types of protection are available depends on what
versions of Word you and the other person are using. The most common,
but also the most invasive and troublesome, is to protect for forms,
possibly only for one section of the document. In Word 2003 and 2007,
you can protect against editing, and then make exceptions for parts
other than the graphics.

For things in the footer, you may need a macro. See

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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