Graphic Indicators in Project Center


Tom B

OK, I have read as many posts on this subject, I apologize for the repeating
topic...guess it says something about how MS could make this a bit
easier...but anyway...I have created a schedule health graphical indicator on
a project task number 1. If the difference between baseline finish and
finish (or finish variance/480, as per a previous post) I have red, yellow
and green indicators. works great in the project plan, at the task I want to see this value in a Project Center view, where only the
Project plans are I have tried to mark the customized task field
for the indicator and indicating that the Project Summary task inherits from
formula...when I try to save it, it reverts back to non summary tasks
only...and the indicator does not show up in Project Center views that I have
created. I know if I get a clear, step by step on one indicator I can follow
it, but I feel like 'duh' when trying to follow some of the best books on
this how to. Everybody seems to leave out a bit to consider. Can you provide
any assistance...I have followed the previous links to some incredible
material, kudos to all you 'Yodas' out there helping us 'rookies'...I just
need some clarifications on how to get Project Center to work on a Task
Number customized to show graphical indicators... Funny thing is when I go
to make the change to Project Center view, and look at available fields, I do
not see my specially named field, which I know I promoted to the enterprise,
why does it not show up in my available list? Thanks for your attention to
these posts, they are always so timely and helpful. Regards

Jack Dahlgren

Please make sure to tell us which version and service pack you are on.
Without the most recent service packs the graphical indicators on PWA 2007
are broken in significant ways.

-Jack Dahlgren

Tom B

Good morning Jack...Project Server 2007 is SP1, running IE7.0, wasnt sure
where to find the version of PWA

Tom B

SP1 on the PWA also...

Jack Dahlgren said:
Please make sure to tell us which version and service pack you are on.
Without the most recent service packs the graphical indicators on PWA 2007
are broken in significant ways.

-Jack Dahlgren

Mike Glen

Hi Tom,

Try posting on the microsoft.public.project.server newsgroup. Please see
FAQ Item: 24. Project Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other
useful Project information can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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