Graphic inserted in a table



Have designed business cards to be copied into a two-column five-row
table. Entered in text and inserted graphic and text box into first
cell. Everything looks good. Now tried to copy all into cell below.
Graphics won't hold vertical alignment; it slips down ever so slightly.
Tried all obtions in the format, picture, layout, advanced window, but
nothing works. Perhaps one can't use a graphic inside a table? Tried
using the label feature, but can't copy text into a designated label
(business cards)either. Any suggestions or advice?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Gypsy,

Version of Word involved?
Have designed business cards to be copied into a two-column five-row
table. Entered in text and inserted graphic and text box into first
cell. Everything looks good. Now tried to copy all into cell below.
Graphics won't hold vertical alignment; it slips down ever so slightly.
Tried all obtions in the format, picture, layout, advanced window, but
nothing works. Perhaps one can't use a graphic inside a table? Tried
using the label feature, but can't copy text into a designated label
(business cards)either. Any suggestions or advice?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

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reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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