Graphic integration problems with WORD 2007



I'm testing with the new WORD 2007 BETA and love it! But I am having trouble
with integrating grapphics into the document. I have used several of the new
features, including HEADERS and FOOTERS as well as SMART IMAGES and they look
great on the screen. But things get bad when it's time to print. Here are
some of the issues I am having:

1) sometimes the page prints at 200% of normal.
2) when the text prints at the right size, the FOOTERS and HEADERS are not
to proportion.
3) The SMART IMAGES don't print out at all.

Is anyone else having these problems? and is there a fix for it?

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I am also having similar problems with smart images. They will print 10% of
the time I use them. I have successfully closed the document, readded my
smart image, and had the correct output a couple of times.


I think it may be printer related. Once I switched from printing the document
on my CANON i860 to my OKI c5150 I was able to get the page printed in the
right dimensions with all the correct artwork. I'm not sure this is a
solution...but it looks like there may be printer compatibility issues in the
current BETA. Anyone else want to weigh in on this?

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