Graphic pasted into Header is washed out.



When pasted into the header, the graphic is normal. When header/footer is
closed, the graphic is washed out.

When in the header and Format Picture is opened and the Image tab is
selected, Image Control is set to Automatic.

Thanks for your help.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

Text and graphics in the header/footer appear washed out only when the
header/footer is not open for editing. This is simply how Word displays them
in Print Layout view... the reverse is true, as well (in Print Layout view);
when viewing the header/footer area, the main part of the page is
gray/washed out.

If you want to see how everything will print, then use File - Print Preview.
In that view, header/footer and text area all appear as they will print,
rather than washed out.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Note, however, that in some versions of Word, *wrapped* graphics in the
header may appear washed out even in Print Preview, though they will print

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