Graphic Prints with Shaded Background


Gary Smith

My sysem at work was recently upgraded with Office 2000 to Office 2003.
Now I find that when I print a Word document containing two small
graphics, the graphics are printed with a light gray background rather
than the correct transparent background. The document appears correctly
when viewed.

The document printed correctly from Word 2000. The operating system
(Win2K) and printer are unchanged.

How can I fix this?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Gary,

How was the graphic created?

The 'transparent' choice from using Word's transparency
tools can leave behind variations of a specific color
that are more obvious when printed than when viewed on

Office XP (Word 2002) and up use the GDI+ graphics engine,
differing from Word 2000.

===========My sysem at work was recently upgraded with Office 2000 to Office 2003.
Now I find that when I print a Word document containing two small
graphics, the graphics are printed with a light gray background rather
than the correct transparent background. The document appears correctly
when viewed.

The document printed correctly from Word 2000. The operating system
(Win2K) and printer are unchanged.

How can I fix this?

Gary L. Smith >>
Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 Editions explained

Gary Smith

Thanks for the response.

I'll have to research this one a bit. This is an OLD document, originally
created in Word 97, later used in Word 2000 and now in Word 2003. It's
the base document for a mail merge and hasn't changed significantly since
1998, athought it's been tweaked now and then. I think the graphic may be
a .wmf file created in 1994 or thereabouts. I inherited this stuff from
someone who's no longer around, so details are a bit hard to come by.

I'll try the workaround listed in the article you cited and post back.

Bob Buckland ?:-\) said:
How was the graphic created?
The 'transparent' choice from using Word's transparency
tools can leave behind variations of a specific color
that are more obvious when printed than when viewed on
Office XP (Word 2002) and up use the GDI+ graphics engine,
differing from Word 2000.
My sysem at work was recently upgraded from Office 2000 to Office 2003.
Now I find that when I print a Word document containing two small
graphics, the graphics are printed with a light gray background rather
than the correct transparent background. The document appears correctly
when viewed.

Gary Smith

The fix turned out to very simple. All I had to do was to click on the
image, which brought up the picture toolbar, click the Set Transparent
Color button on the Picture toolbar, and then click the image again to
apply transparency.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Gary Smith said:
Thanks for the response.

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