Graphic Signature dropped in Merged Letters



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

I am having a problem during the creation of my form letters. The problem is that when I complete the 'merge' of my letters from my excel spreadsheet using Word 2008, the graphic signature at the bottom of my letters is disappearing and does not appear on any of the merged letters. So it is clear, I am creating my letters using the "Merge to New Document" command. Originally, the graphic was a .tif format, tried changing to a .png file and still does not work.



Well, more info is needed -

Give the specific versions of your OS & Office.

How are you adding the graphic?

Where are you putting the graphic?

Is the graphic actually *missing* from the new merge document or is it
occupying space but simply not visible?

What else can you offer about the circumstance?

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Hi Bob,

Sorry - thought specifics were included in the side portion of my post.

OS: Leopard 10.5.2
Office for Mac 2008
Word version 12.0.1

I added the graphic by "Insert>Picture>From File". I did not place it within a text box first, but added it directly to the document. The document I am creating is a basic letter, and the graphic is inserted at the bottom of the letter - it is an image of my actual signature.

In terms of the question of whether it is 'there' but just not visible, I tried both looking at the merged file under print preview, and actually printing the file, but the signature did not appear. I noticed at one point that when I ran my cursor over the area where image should be, my computer was 'thinking' and the program lagged and stopped responding. At one point, I had to Force Quit and start Word again. Something seems to be happening at the 'location' where the signature should be, but not the actual signature is appearing on screen or in print.

Does that help in getting a sense of the situation?



Hi Robert -

Thanks for the additional detail - Mactopia/OfficeforMac just asks for the
basic 2 digit versions... We actually need all 3 in order to narrow things
down. Before anything else, though, check to see if there is an available
update for your printer driver, run Disk Utility - Repair Disk Permissions,
then restart your Mac. Open the finished merge doc (I'm assuming you saved
it?) and see if the problem persists. How about in the main (form letter)
document - is the graphic visible there?

If the problem goes away it suggests a possible memory problem or that
system resources were low for some reason - such as having left the Mac
turned on for an extended period with apps (such as Word) running.

If the problem is still there it could still be a memory concern depending
on the size of the graphic file & the number of letters in the finished
file. If the mage is more than 200 - 300 ppi you might consider saving a new
version of it - you don't need any higher resolution for good print quality.

Also, check in Word> Preferences - Print to make sure that Drawing Objects
is checked and confirm that in the View preferences that Drawings is checked
& that Image Placeholders is not checked.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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