Graphic wont print, shows on screen


Jim Wilson

Inserted graphic will not print - only the picture
placeholder (frame and X) will.

On the Print tab of Tools | Options, "Drawing objects" IS

The picture shows on the screen and in print preview.

The same file printed correctly on earlier version of
WORD. Other files with same graphic also print.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Jim,

I can think of two possible causes

1. Problem with the printer driver

2. The document in which the graphic is embedded has been

Since the same graphic is printing in other documents, I'd
say (2) is most likely. If you copy/paste some of the text
around the graphic (plus the graphic) into a new file, will
that print?
Inserted graphic will not print - only the picture
placeholder (frame and X) will.

On the Print tab of Tools | Options, "Drawing objects" IS

The picture shows on the screen and in print preview.

The same file printed correctly on earlier version of
WORD. Other files with same graphic also print.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep
30 2003)

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follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail


Had same problem. I fixed it by using the "Compress..." option in the "Format Picture" dialog box.

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