Graphical Goal Seek - Excel 2007


Bob Colbert

I have written some custom macros in previous versions of Excel that count on
the ability to be able to select data points in a Scatter Plot and move them
in X/Y. I put Command Buttons on the chart that would then run the macro.
(Think Bezier curve control points - move the point, re-calculate the curve).

I believe the feature in previous versions of Excel was called Graphical
Goal Seek (at least that is what the Undo button says after a point is
moved). I cannot seem to get this to work in Excel 2007.

Furthermore, the selection of points in a Data Series in a Scatter Plot is
not consistent with previous versions of Excel. In previous versions, you
clicked the data series, waited a second, then clicked the point that you
wanted to move. In an old spreadsheet with multiple separate XY Scatter
Plots, the selection of individual data points in inconsistent.

Any suggestions on how to re-enable Graphical Goal Seek (Excel patch?,
macro?, some other method?). Why was this changed in the first place?


Mike Middleton

Bob Colbert -

The "graphical goal seek" feature is not available in Excel 2007.

In "Microsoft-speak" that feature has been "deprecated."

The selection problem may be one of the many problems that will hopefully be
addressed with Office 2007 Service Pack 1.

- Mike Middleton
Decision Analysis Add-ins for Excel


Do you know if Microsoft is intending to "undeprecate" the graphical goal
seek function. I have a series of charts which I review only on an annual
basis when new data becomes available. Graphical goalseek enabled me to
smooth in the new data and for my modelled spreadsheet data to adjust
accordingly. So now I have to construct another way to do this. Like I have
time! Why oh why does Microsoft take out facilities that existed in previous
products? I swear I will never ever buy another new Microsoft product. How
do we the Office consuming public make our voice heard?

Mike Middleton

Debbie424242 -
Do you know ... <

How do we the Office consuming public make our voice heard? <

One way: In Excel 2007, choose Office Button | Excel Options | Resources |
Contact Us | (Feedback Submission) Suggest new content ...

- Mike Middleton
Decision Analysis Add-ins for Excel


Not a solution in Excel 2007, but an option is to uninstall Excel/Office
2007, reinstall Office 2003, then reinstall Office 2007, selecting the custom
install. When prompted, opt to keep earlier versions of Office, so one can
revert to Excel 2003 to access features that are not available in 2007,
assuming that workbooks do not contain features that are totally incompatible
with 2007.

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