Graphics and Text



What is the best way of making graphics not editable, but making text
editable in Word? i. e. a flyer with non-editable graphics, but with text
boxes that can be edited. My guess is, paste the graphic without text boxes,
then add text boxes on top. Related question... Does anyone know of a way of
creating a macro with fill-in boxes that will fill in with specific Fonts,
etc. for above scenario?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?VGVycnlUdXRvcg==?=,
What is the best way of making graphics not editable, but making text
editable in Word? i. e. a flyer with non-editable graphics, but with text
boxes that can be edited. My guess is, paste the graphic without text boxes,
then add text boxes on top.
There's no way to "protect" some graphics and not others in a Word document.

What you could do is
- insert a continuous section break at the beginning or end of the document
- insert the graphics
- insert FRAMES (from the Forms toolbar) as "text boxes" (you can't use
text boxes because these will not be available when you "lock" the graphics)
- protect the document as a form, leaving one section unprotected
(Tools/Protect document)

At this point, the graphics are inaccessible.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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