Graphics coming from a Pivot Table. PLEASE HELP!!



I need to create a graphic that reflects the credit grades variation of my

So for each grade I would need two columns, old grades, and Uptdated grade,

"A+" column should have "old Credit Grades" and "updated credit grades",
then A, B, C and D the same criteria.

I don't know how to put it on my pivot table layout, I try to combine the
data in different ways: column, data and row, but I never get to what I want.
Please Help!!

ps: I also have "loan numbers" and "loan balance" columns that I can use on
the pivots if needed.

Debra Dalgleish

Can you type a couple of rows of sample data, and how you'd like that to
appear in the pivot table?


Yes I would like something like this:

60 40 75 25
35 65
A+ A+ A A
Original CS Updated CS ; Original CS Updated CS ; Original CS
Updated CS

Total Loans 100, so 60 Loans were A+, and now I have 40 A+, the same with A,
B etc

Debra Dalgleish

In the pivot table, put Original CS in the Row area, Updated CS in the
Column area, and Count of Original CS in the Data area.
The Grand Total at the right will show the original totals per grade.
The Grand Total at the bottom will show the updated totals per grade.

Or, instead of using a pivot table, use the COUNTIF function to
summarize the data. For example, list the grades in cells G2:G6, then in
cell H2, enter the following formula, to summarize the original CS:

Original CS


Thank you Debra;
I tried what you told me, but is not what I want. I end up having rows with
credit grades AND columns with credit grades and I need two columns one with
the old data and the otherone with the updated data. I need to have 2 columns
next to each other that represent the same thing; but one with the original
data and the other one with the update data, I will give you an easier
example for me: Apples: one column will show how many I sold in 2006 the
other one how many in 2007, then another one for oranges, potatoes etc with
the same criteria

I need to show how my clients credit score improve from last year up today
ie: A+ Credit, I had 30 loans, and now I have 20.

I will try the "countif" formula you told me, maybe is easier that way.

Debra Dalgleish

You didn't provide any sample data, as I asked earlier, but I assume
it's something like this:

Customer OriginalCS UpdatedCS
Cust01 A+ A

If that's how your data is set up, a CountIF formula would be easiest.

To get the pivot table arrangement that you want, the data would have to
be arranged like this:

Customer Type CS
Cust01 Original CS A+
Cust01 Updated CS A+

Then, make a pivot table with Type and CS in the Column area, and Count
of Customer in the data area.


thank you

Debra Dalgleish said:
You didn't provide any sample data, as I asked earlier, but I assume
it's something like this:

Customer OriginalCS UpdatedCS
Cust01 A+ A

If that's how your data is set up, a CountIF formula would be easiest.

To get the pivot table arrangement that you want, the data would have to
be arranged like this:

Customer Type CS
Cust01 Original CS A+
Cust01 Updated CS A+

Then, make a pivot table with Type and CS in the Column area, and Count
of Customer in the data area.

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