Graphics display EXCEEDINGLY SLOWLY (sometimes never).



I have just started using Word 2003 and have encountered what might be a
show-stopper of a problem.

Graphics (drawn with the native Word 2003 tools) display only reluctantly.
That is, it can take 40 seconds or longer---sometimes I give up waiting---for
a graphic to display when I a jump or scroll to its page.

I am using print view, have enabled graphics display and am not displaying
placeholders for pictures. Nevertheless, the graphics are most noticeable
only in their absence.

I have discovered a method to "trick" Word 2003. If I either display or
remove the Drawing toolbar, the graphic images appear instantly. However, I'm
not willing to live with this work-around and them on the verge of reverting
to Word 2000.

Any thoughts?


I have the same problem on my pc, but my laptop works fine. Both are running
the same software (MS Office 2003). The only difference I can see is that
the pc (Dell Demension4700)under the control panel, settings, advanced,
adapter...the adapter type is Intel(R)82915 Family graphics controller; while
the laptop (Dell inspiron8600) is using a mobility radeon 9000. What are you

You are correct that this problem is a pain. I will be grateful for a

Graham Mayor

If you are already using the lastest screen driver update, try reducing the
graphics hardware acceleration a notch or two.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Nelson said:
I have the same problem on my pc, but my laptop works fine. Both are running
the same software (MS Office 2003). The only difference I can see is that
the pc (Dell Demension4700)under the control panel, settings, advanced,
adapter...the adapter type is Intel(R)82915 Family graphics controller; while
the laptop (Dell inspiron8600) is using a mobility radeon 9000. What are you

I, too, am using an Intel 82915G/GV/910GL Express chipset. I think you've
correctly identified the problem---I'm going to attempt pursuing it further
with both Intel and Microsoft. Wish me luck!

Peter Johansson


Graham Mayor said:
If you are already using the lastest screen driver update, try reducing the
graphics hardware acceleration a notch or two.

Thanks for the suggestion, Graham, but it has no effect.

Peter Johansson


Intel has confirmed that it is a problem with their driver for the
82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family of display adapters. They say
that they will address the problem in a new release of the driver.

If anyone having this problem will email me the service tag for your
PC, we can demonstrate clearly to Dell that the problem is occurring on
many PCs (I have an open incident with Dell regarding this issue).
Reducing the graphics acceleration a level below that which DirectX
uses is a temporary workaround.

Thanks for your help!

(e-mail address removed)


I have an IBMThinksCentre S51, not a Dell. The problem has been resolved with
the installation of a newer graphics driver. The currently installed driver
identifies itself as

PS in my case, reducing graphics acceleration had absolutely no effect on
the problem---but this is moot now that the problem has been fixed.

Peter Johansson

Suzanne S. Barnhill

What is the vintage of this driver/display adapter? That is, when would you
have to have bought a Dell computer to be likely to have this


The four PCs we have that suffer from the problem are Dell Optiplex
GX280 model PCs, purchased in October 2004.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Okay, mine is much older than that and doesn't have the problem to the
extent that some users apparently do.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Suzanne,

You can use Help=>About=>System Info in Word
and check 'Components=>Display' to get basic
information on your display adapter/chipset type
or right click on the desktop and use

Okay, mine is much older than that and doesn't have the problem to the
extent that some users apparently do.

Suzanne S. Barnhill>>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 Editions explained

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