Graphics move in email format

  • Thread starter Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion®
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Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion®

You may want to use Outlook Express stationery, you can create attractive
messages for both e-mail and newsgroups. Stationery is a template that can
include a background image, unique text font colors, and custom margins.

To apply stationery to all your outgoing messages

On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Compose tab.
Under Stationery, select the Mail or News check box (or both), and then
click Select.
To apply stationery to an individual message

On the Message menu, point to New Message Using, and then select a
stationery style.
To apply or change stationery after you start a message

On the Format menu, point to Apply Stationery, and then select a stationery

Best regards,

Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion® - Cooking Crawfish & Alligators in New our fellow citizens once observed, Southerners will be polite
until they are angry enough to kill you.

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