Hi G.,
There are some buglets (or at least internal competing interests <g>) here and there when it comes to scaled printing.
What version of Word are you using (including updates)
What are the page margins and page orientation choices for this document?
What is the page size for this document and when printing are you scaling to a different size and/or a different orientation?
Are the pictures formatted 'inline with text' or are you applying 'wrapping' to them?
How close to the end of a page is this graphic when you're working in print layout view?
Are you using Word's Zoom=>Pages per sheet
choice or are you using a similar feature within the printer properties?
I have tried two different printers and the the graphics moves on both of
them. I used a Dell laser and a konica Laser. I have just set the paper to
print landscape and 2 pages on one piece of paper. same results. <<
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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