I've noticed that when I copy and paste, (e.g. a screenprint) an image into a
Word document that the image quality is somewhat blurred, particularly the
text, compare to the image quality in Paint or even an Outlook email. We have
Lotus Notes (hold the condolences) for email, so when I have to include an
image in a email, I will usually paste it into PAINT, work on it there, and
then copy and paste it into a LN email. I would rather do this in Word than
Paint but the graphics quality is not as good in Word. Is there a way to
improve the graphics quality in Word?
Word document that the image quality is somewhat blurred, particularly the
text, compare to the image quality in Paint or even an Outlook email. We have
Lotus Notes (hold the condolences) for email, so when I have to include an
image in a email, I will usually paste it into PAINT, work on it there, and
then copy and paste it into a LN email. I would rather do this in Word than
Paint but the graphics quality is not as good in Word. Is there a way to
improve the graphics quality in Word?