I work with quite large files and sometimes when I get memory intensive, the
graphics or clip art I have brought into a Word document or PPT slide
presentation begin shaking on the screen. No I am not kidding. It makes it
almost impossible to select that graphic to work with and is incredibly
annoying. Can anyone offere a suggestion on a setting I could changein both
Word and PPT? I think it might be a memory issue but I don't know.
I am using a Dell XPS M170 2.26 GHz 791 MHz 2 BG Ram
graphics or clip art I have brought into a Word document or PPT slide
presentation begin shaking on the screen. No I am not kidding. It makes it
almost impossible to select that graphic to work with and is incredibly
annoying. Can anyone offere a suggestion on a setting I could changein both
Word and PPT? I think it might be a memory issue but I don't know.
I am using a Dell XPS M170 2.26 GHz 791 MHz 2 BG Ram