I guess you mean that the size of the file of the graphics in question
counted in bytes is large.
Or do you mean how large its dimensions is? Then is it vector graphics or
But if it is the actual size of the picture in bytes that is the problem.
Make sure to insert the pictures as links.
Insert | picture | from file
Select the picture to insert but make sure not to click insert. Instead
click the small down arrow to the right of the Insert button and choose link
to file.
This will also has the benefit of if you update the picture outside of word.
The picture will also change in word.
However if you use this option and send the document to someone else you
have to make sure that the graphics files are sent as well. As they are no
longer part of the word file. You also have to make sure that the paths to
the figures are relative paths. Word inserts absolute paths to the pictures
and thus if someone else saves the document and figures in some other path he
cant see the pictures in word.
On a side note I might question why your marketing department is using word
to deal with graphics when there are so many other tool better at handling
and manipulating graphics. Word is a text handling tool, not a graphics
handling tool. Things gets easier if you use a hammer for the nails and a
screwdriver for the screws. Don't use a large sledgehammer for everything.
For example look at:
http://www.inkscape.org/ (vector drawing)
http://www.gimp.org/ (bitmap manipulation)
For some good and free graphics tools.