Graphics text in drawing (.wmf files) MOVES!


Ron Mowrer

After using the clipboard to move .wmf drawings to a Word 2002 document,
SOMETIMES the text in the graphic takes an "offset" and prints all the text
about one line below where it should be. It may show correctly on the
screen but print incorrectly, or vise versa. I've even tried outwitting it
by performing an opposite offset in the drawing before pasting, but that
doesn't always work either. I'm using ACAD 2000L for the drawings and
BetterWMF to copy to the clipboard (enhance line widths etc.) but I'm pretty
sure that neither of them are the problem.

Usually, if the graphic shows incorrect on the screen, selecting the graphic
will correct the screen drawing, but it still prints incorrectly. Sometimes
moving the graphic a little bit will correct the problem, but I don't always
have that option.

Any suggestions?


Ron Mowrer
<[email protected]>

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(307) 864-9300 Phone
(307) 864-9264 Fax

PJ Lightning

I can only think of one way to work around the problem
which is to do the text entirely in Word and not in CAD.
Alternatively if you can get a copy of Intellicad (which
is very similar to AutoCad 12 but works in windows) you
could open your graphics with that and save as a r12 dxf
which will import into Word. (Make sure that the limits of
the dwg are set to just frame it, and only use zoom all,
never zoom extents as that sometimes causes the text to
fail to export for some reason. It's not perfect; for
some reason Isometimes find that the piece of text on the
furthest right doesnt export, but it does work. Go to and try the trial version.
I'm using Icad 2001

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