Graphing A Time Series of Multiple Stock Prices



My data looks like so:

Stock TradePrice TradeVolume ExecutionDateTime
EFG 5.2 8 2:40:04 PM
EFG 5.5 8 2:40:02 PM
EFG 5.1 10 2:40:01 PM
EFG 5.3 10 2:40:01 PM
EFG 5.1 10 2:40:00 PM
EFG 5.1 10 2:40:00 PM
ABC 1.5 4 2:31:17 PM
ABC 1.6 4 2:31:16 PM
ABC 1.7 2 2:30:51 PM

I am trying to create one graph with price on the Y and time on the X for
all my stocks (in this example just 2 stocks).

Is it possible (I've tried to use the chart wizard with no success).

Thank you in advance.



Follow the chart wizard to build a simple line chart.

In <Chart Data Source> select the <Series> Tab.

In here it will be blank (as you have no data selected) so click <add>.

Now you will see places to add X and Y axis.

Click on the X-Axis box and add all you time values i.e. 2:40:04 to 2:30:57.

Now, the 'Series' box will be displaying <series1> in the box. In the top
right box ('Name') type EFG. Then in the box below select the EFG values i.e.
5.2 to 5.1 (6 values).

Now select <add> to add another series which will appear <series2>. This
time add the the name ABC and in the values box select the three values 1.5
to 1.7.

Now you are done and you can format the chart as you like.

Some notes...

(1) If you wnat to add another stock just right click the chart, select
<Data Source> and add the new stock folowing the procedure outlined above
i.e. click to add new data series.

(2) One problem of your chart is that if you add stocks of very different $
values e.g. suppose you added GOOG. which is around $180 (???) then your
scale will have to accomodate all the values and you will not be able to see
all the stock lines easily. You can add another y-axis to the right hand side
to overcome this.

Hope this helps.


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