Graphing errors due to data from different sheets



When I try to graph data from two different sheets, the program is producing
erroneous results. I'm trying to use a bar graph to show progress (or
decline) in scores from one physical fitness test to the next. The graph is
showing no data for person 11, even though they DO have data in at least one
of the sheets.
The error might be due to the fact that while the people are the same on
both sheets (same number and order), some on the first sheet don't have
results while they do on the second (and vice versa) and some didn't take
part in either test. Could this have an effect or is there something else
I'm doing wrong? I'm defining both columns using the "Series" function.

Jon Peltier

Are you trying to combine information from more than one sheet in a single
series? That could be your problem. The easiest way to handle this issue is
to compile a summary sheet which links to the data on the original sheets,
then make the chart from this summary. It's easier to add the data to the
chart, it's easier to see what's happening, and the chart won't complain.

- Jon


I can copy the data to a new sheet, but I get a #REF error. How do I link
the data to the other sheets?

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